In Ascension’s Rosary in a Year podcast, Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, guides listeners in a step-by-step journey that will change the way you pray – no matter where...
In the mystery of the Resurrection, Jesus and the angels bring the same message: do not be afraid. This is a sign of the joy and confidence with which the Father wants us to encounter life. Fr. Mark-Mary leads us in lectio divina, encouraging us to find this hope and joy in the message of the Resurrection. Today’s focus is the mystery of the Resurrection and we will be praying one decade of the Rosary.
For the complete prayer plan, visit
Day 83: Father Forgive Them
In the midst of the most tragic of circumstances, his crucifixion and death, what does Jesus say? Jesus prays for all of us, asking the Father to forgive. Today, Fr. Mark-Mary leads us in lectio divina, focusing on these words of Jesus, thanking Jesus for his mercy and incredible love. Today’s focus is the mystery of the Crucifixion and we will be praying one decade of the Rosary.
For the complete prayer plan, visit
Day 82: Simon’s Choice
During Jesus’ passion, the gospel tells us that a man named Simon was compelled to carry Jesus’ cross. In this moment, Simon was given a decision: to fight back against this injustice, or to make the choice to carry this cross and draw close to Jesus. We are all given difficult or even unjust crosses to carry, and Fr. Mark-Mary calls us to reflect upon how we react to these in today’s lectio divina. Today’s focus is the mystery of the Carrying of the Cross and we will be praying one decade of the Rosary.
For the complete prayer plan, visit
Day 81: Behold Your King
Although the Roman soldiers mockingly hail Jesus as king, Fr. Mark-Mary explains that in this mystery we see the reality of Jesus’ true kingship and dignity. In our prayer of lectio divina, we meditate on Jesus’ incredible sacrifice for us, and we receive the good news that we worship the true king. Today’s focus is the mystery of the Crowning with Thorns and we will be praying one decade of the Rosary.
For the complete prayer plan, visit
Day 80: His Blood For You
Jesus freely endured the suffering of the scourging because of his great love for us. Fr. Mark-Mary leads us in lectio divina, meditating on the depth of Jesus’ love for us and how he wants us to receive the gift of his love. We allow ourselves to behold the sign of our worth: Jesus giving everything to save us. Today’s focus is the mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar and we will be praying one decade of the Rosary.
For the complete prayer plan, visit
Over The Rosary in a Year (with Fr. Mark-Mary Ames)
In Ascension’s Rosary in a Year podcast, Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, guides listeners in a step-by-step journey that will change the way you pray – no matter where you are in your spiritual life.
By starting small and adding on over time, listeners will find themselves falling more in love with this powerful Marian devotion, becoming a source of grace for the whole world.
Listen to discover….
How to build a daily habit of prayer
How to form a relationship with Jesus and Mary
The Biblical foundations of the Rosary
How to meditate with sacred art (visio divina), saint writings, and scripture (lectio divina)
The power of Mary’s influence in your life
…and more.
For the complete prayer plan, visit
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