My new book, When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square, is out TODAY! In this brief episode, I tell you a bit about the book and answer the question some are asking: Does the culture actually hate Christians?GET YOUR COPY TODAY!Amazon:|PSEN
Quick Response 2: If Trans People Aren't Harming Anyone, Why Should You Care What They Do to Themselves?
Today I’m addressing the following tweet from someone who is troubled by Christians and others who are concerned about public policy related to transgender issues: “For all those who are terrified of trans people and believe this is more important than any other issue, can you please let me know just once when a trans person harmed you? One personal, specific story please.”
Quick Response 1: If Christianity is really about saving souls, we wouldn't legislate values
Welcome to my first quick response episode, in which I respond briefly to popular claims I see online that sound good and draw in a lot of Christians, but fail from a biblical and/or logical perspective.Today, I respond to a Tweet from Rev. Benjamin Cremer, a progressive Christian on X who has quickly been gaining influence with a lot of people. Here’s the post:“Dear Christian, If your religion is really about 'saving souls' then you wouldn’t demand for it to be legislated. Because making someone follow your religion by force of law against their will is an extremely effective way to ensure they reject your God in their hearts."Before you listen, see if you can identify three types of errors: logical, civic, and biblical.
47. What the Church Is Getting Wrong about Race and Racism, with Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager
Today I’m talking with my good friends from the Center for Biblical Unity, Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager, about their new book, Walking in Unity: Biblical Answers to Questions on Race and Racism. Ever since 2020, there have been all kinds of discussions about race in the church, and unfortunately a lot of those discussions have included some very unbiblical ways of thinking. I’m so grateful that Krista and Monique have written this excellent and accessible book that counteracts culture's problematic ideas. In this conversation, we cover all kinds of topics, like:What is the difference between anti-racism, racial reconciliation, and biblical unity?Should the church see disparities between races as evidence of racism?Why haven’t churches been better at biblical discernment with respect to identifying unbiblical ideas about race and racism?How much should the church be addressing racial justice? Is it mostly a “progressive” issue?Is a “colorblind” approach the best solution? Should all churches be multiethnic?And much more.Get the book here: more about the Center for Biblical Unity here:
46. Exposing the History of the Sexual Revolution, with Seth Gruber
Today I talk with Seth Gruber about his new documentary that exposes the "hidden history of the secular moral revolution and the architects of our current culture of death." Seth's documentary and corresponding book are called The 1916 Project and reveal the long, devastating trajectory of how we got to where we are today as a culture that celebrates the choice to kill preborn babies. The film and book are both amazing, and I highly recommend them.Seth and I also discuss the importance of Christians voting in this election and why, even with Trump's weakened stance on abortion, there's no moral equivalence between his and Harris's platforms. You can watch The 1916 Project documentary for FREE now until the election on X! Go here: more about The 1916 Project and how you can screen it at your church: The 1916 Project book: with Seth:Facebook: (Twitter):