Learning the daf? We have something for you to think about. Not learning the daf? We have something for you to think about! (Along with a taste of the daf...)
Different opinions from the sages on the length of the "messianic era": 40 years? 70 years? 3 generations? Or Rabbi Hillel's shocking statement that the messiah has already come and gone, as per fulfilling the prophesies in the era of Hezekiah, king of Judah. Also, the distinction between the messianic era and the World to Come, with prophecy being primarily about the former. But the key question regarding the messianic era and how different it may be from the current world is also significant. Plus, the famous statement that ba'alei teshuvah (returning penitents) are closer to God even than the righteous. And then Eden (the Garden on the outskirts, perhaps) is another place... but the prophets can't prophesy about that which they've never seen. Also, Rabbi Akiva encourages everyone to review their Torah studies, regularly and repetitively. Plus, people are created for work, and your work should be Torah.
Sanhedrin 98: In Every Generation, Every Day
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi - on the messiah, and when he will come, with regard to the people awaiting his arrival. Including Eliyahu (Elijah), of course. Also, the birthpangs of the messiah - how many sages want the messiah to come, but only after they themselves die, so they don't have to suffer through it. But won't the messianic era be worth it? And won't their Torah study and acts of kindness protect them? With parallels between the entrance to the land of Israel from the Exodus of Egypt, vs. the return after the Babylonian Exile.
Sanhedrin 97: Not Everyone Lies
Is there truth in the world? Rava thought not, until he encountered one truth-telling sage and heard his story of truth-tellers, and how that sage's own lie was his downfall. Also, a story about Eliyahu, in the exploration of the messianic time to come -- including a good deal of calculation and supposition regarding when it will happen. Plus, the discovery of a scroll written in Hebrew that had been found among the treasures the Romans took from Jerusalem, in their conquest. And it too has predictions for the future and end of the world.
Sanhedrin 96: When Evil Prospers
From Sennacherib to Nebuchadnezzar - and why the latter was able to conquer Jerusalem (that is, what good deed did he do that he got his way of breaking through Jerusalem's divine protection?). Also, how Nebuchadnezzar's captain of the guard, Nevuzaradan, led the charge, and succeeded where Sennacherib did not, apparently with God's approval. He was indeed a bloody man of war, until - it seems - he saw the error of his ways.
Sanhedrin 95: Stories of War and a Hidden Message of Hope
Compare this part of the daf to the stories in Shmuel Bet (Second Samuel) -- the son of Goliath is armed to go take vengeance on David. Ishbivenov is this same son of the giant, and his name is connected to his identity - because his revenge is on account of Nov. God makes it clear to David that he must pay the price of his wrong-doing, and gives him a choice of cutting off his descendants or suffer himself. He chooses the latter. Which leads to his own near-death, in greater detail in the Gemara than in the Navi. Also, the Assyrian army and their marching plan and huge numbers of troops (maybe). Plus, the angel Gavriel supporting the battles (against siege and more during Sennacherib's wars).
Learning the daf? We have something for you to think about. Not learning the daf? We have something for you to think about! (Along with a taste of the daf...)
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