What victories do you have in your life? What battles have already been won? Now of course I know you’re still in some battles, but recognize the victories you currently stand in. Ways that were made. Breakthroughs that happened. Changes you were about to give up on, then it all changed. Impossibilities that were made […]
1813 Here For Victory
Deuteronomy 20:4 – “For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” Whatever it is you are battling, may I remind you God is right there battling with you, fighting for you. You question if you will ever win, all while […]
1812 Unclaimed Territory
God has something for you, something divinely designed as your calling, your place, your territory … but you will still have to fight for it. Have you forgotten your fight? Have you decided this is far enough so you’ve stopped moving forward? Have you settled for where you are and therefore sacrificed the fullness of […]
1811 The Expert Guide
What would it look like to let God’s Holy Spirit truly guide your life? Where would you go? What would you do? And dang, what would he have you give up? That’s scary, isn’t it? Total release of control and full commitment to following a guide you can’t even see? I think that’s why we […]
1810 You’re a Power House
You have tremendous power in your life. Power is simply defined as the ABILITY to DO SOMETHING. You have the ability to do something. The ability to change, the ability to begin, the ability to keep going. I believe within you is the power to do things that would simply blow your mind. A work […]
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