Getting ready for college isn’t easy! But what most people don’t realize is that they just might have a hidden superpower. Let’s discuss how you can use music t...
Performance Anxiety - Interview with Noa Kageyama Performance Psychology Coach
In this episode I am interviewing the performance coach from the Juilliard School of Music. Noa Kageyama is one of the foremost leaders in performance psychology. He has helped musicians with auditions from college all the way to the top orchestras in the world. So sit back and enjoy this informative interview and check out how to work with your own performance anxiety and create a great winning mindset that will help you on stage, anywhere at any time. Dr. Kageyama is also giving a 4 week online workshop in October and you can sign up at: And, if you can’t make Noah’s class next month he will also be giving a workshop for my program, Get In! We will be working with Noah and performing throughout the month to get you in top-notch shape for your next college audition! You can sign up at my program at
Let’s Talk About College Anxiety- Freshman Edition
In this episode I talk about strategies to help your teen through his or her first year in college. If you find my blog at my website, you will see a link to the Harvard health Publishing article in which I foond some information. It is a short article and was a great read. There’s also a link to the Coronado Public Library where I am giving a free online workshop for one hour and it is sponsored by the Coronado Library. Join us on Friday, September 23rd from 6 to 7 PM Pacific time. I would love to see you all there and if you have any questions or comments or even your own strategies to help teenagers get through their first year of college, please feel free to share with me at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you all have a great week!
Are You a Passenger?
Are you in control of your college choices? Are you floundering from being decisive to being incredibly indecisive in your college choices? In this episode I give a short description of two different types of students, passengers and drivers. Which one are you and how can you switch from being indecisive to in control?
Getting Ready For College: Is There a Too Soon?
In this episode I answer a few questions I received in emails from parents. Their concern is that they might start preparing their teen for college too late. But is there a too early?
Episode 5 - The Education and College Neurodivergent Students My Guest: Hemdah Salonimer-Horner
In this episode I interview an amazing educator who has dedicated her life to working with special needs students and helping them achieve success and balance their life through music. Links for information:
Getting ready for college isn’t easy! But what most people don’t realize is that they just might have a hidden superpower. Let’s discuss how you can use music to up your chances of getting into the college of your choice (even if you are not majoring in music). If you are a serious musician and want to get into the best music schools, let’s discuss how you strategically get ready to practice, perform and audition. Your music has the ability to TRANSFORM Your Life!