In Session Seven of just10, J.John shows how ignoring the Sabbath carries a heavy physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual price tag.
just10 // SESSION SIX How to Keep the Peace with Our Parents
One of the most important things we can ever do is be part of a family. Yet most of us drift through, muddling along and only really considering how we are doing when we hit a family crisis. Throughout Session Six, J.John unpacks the key ingredients of family life, focusing on how we relate to our parents and how we relate to our children.Free-to-use resources for churches and small groups available at
Christmas Unwrapped
J.John unwraps the true meaning of Christmas in this special episode of J.John on Sundays. Filmed at Kensington Temple in the heart of London.
just10 // SESSION FIVE How to Manage Our Anger
How unique and valuable is a human life? How should we treat each other? How do we cope with difference and disagreement? In this session, J.John looks at the sixth commandment and brings us back to the basics. How can we really deal with the root cause of anger?Free-to-use resources for churches and small groups available at
just10 // SESSION FOUR How to Affair-Proof Our Relationships
Sex is inescapable. If you’ve watched any TV, seen any advertisements, listened to the radio, flicked through a magazine, surfed the internet or read a newspaper, it is there. Session Four speaks to those who are married, single, divorced or widowed, and explains how each of us can flourish in our relationships.