How To Film Weddings is a wedding videography educational podcast hosted by John Bunn (John Bunn Films, Tulsa OK) and Nick Miller (Wild Oak Films, Wichita KS).
393. My 2025 Instagram Strategy - How I have booked $100k+ in 2025 with Instagram
It today’s episode, John breaks down his 2025 instagram strategy that has recently booked him 15+ events, plus over $150k in bookings. Things have changed in the market, and if you’re not using Instagram to build your brand, we strongly recommend you listen to this episode. John holds nothing back in this episode and digs deep into his actual strategy, his analytics, and his mindset for Instagram in 2025.
392. Taking the Risk with Hustis Film Co
In today’s episode, John interviews Kyle Hustis from Hustis Film Co about how he has taken big risks, and they have paid off in business and creatively. We dive into his story of how he went from working full-time as a nurse, to developing a brand that is now one of the top filmmakers in the Phoenix Arizona area. His vibe is fresh, his hair is even better. He slid into our DMs and it worked, he’s now on the podcast. You don’t want to miss this one, we promise. Check out his work here: Follow him on IG here: Thanks to today’s sponsors VidFlow: MusicBed:
391. The All New Mastermind by How To Film Weddings
Applications are open for Mastermind: Mastermind 2025 is here. And it is ALL NEW. In this week’s episode we dive into what we’ve learned in our first 4 years of doing mastermind, and how we are changing things up to serve our audience even better. We have completely changed the program, and can’t wait to share with you what is new. We know that 2024 was a dumpster fire for so many of you, and think that Mastermind might be the perfect fit to get you out of any ruts you might be in. Check out our Mastermind program here:
390. LIVE from the Mastermind Retreat w/Matt Johnson, Films by Stanton, Multiply Sound and More
We open enrollment for Mastermind 2025 on January 27th. Join the waitlist to be notified when we go live: We just got back from our mastermind retreat and it was an incredible experience! If you'd like to see some highlights make sure you head to our instagram account ( One thing we did this year was have a panel discussion with our guest speakers to answer our student's questions. The panel included John, Nick, Matt Johnson, Films by Stanton, Multiply Sound, The Creative Cabana and Kennidy Nicole Films. We discuss working with clients, retirement, passion and how age doesn't matter. Enjoy this little glimpse into what it's like to be a part of mastermind. Nick's Arizona Ambience:
389. Creating Space for Creatvity
Join the Mastermind Waitlist: Creativity will often fill the space that you give it. When you don't have time for creativity you tend to be less creative. Your edits won't be as fulfilling. You'll often feel like the work you are creating is a little... blah. On the flip side, when you spend time focusing on being creative you'll end up being more fulfilled in what you do. In this week's episode John and Nick share how they've lately. made space for creativity and how it has impacted their lives and businesses. Nick's Ambient YouTube channel:
How To Film Weddings is a wedding videography educational podcast hosted by John Bunn (John Bunn Films, Tulsa OK) and Nick Miller (Wild Oak Films, Wichita KS).
John & Nick have learned a lot about what to do (and what not to do) as wedding film-makers. Our goal is to come along side wedding videographers and help them create better wedding films and succeed in business.