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Rejected Religion Podcast

Podcast Rejected Religion Podcast
Stephanie Shea

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  • RR Podcast E34 David Metcalfe: 'Beyond the Stars' Course, UAP Phenomena, Culture & Belief
    David B. Metcalfe, Windbridge Institute Scholar in Virtual Residence, is a researcher, writer, and multimedia specialist focusing on areas where creativity, culture, and consciousness collide. In 2011 he established the Liminal Analytics: Applied Research Collaborative to focus on building multidisciplinary lines of communication through applied scholarship, digital media, and social network development. David’s work has appeared in Oxford University Press and other peer reviewed anthologies. He was a research assistant for the University of Chicago under Dr. Hussein Ali Agama focusing on archival research, and he is currently the Editor-in-Chief for the Windbridge Research Center’s Threshold: Journal of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies.I originally had asked both Dr. Diana Pasulka and David to join me for this episode, but due to scheduling conflicts, Diana had to decline. (I am eager to talk with Diana at another time, however!) In this episode, David talks a bit about his background and his interest in the broader topic of ‘anomalous phenomena,’ and how this led him to meet Dr. Diana Pasulka and become involved in planning the course “Beyond the Stars” with her. This groundbreaking course explores the history of UFO/UAP phenomena, specific case studies, the main research traditions, and also how religion and esotericism are linked to this phenomena. The course also delves into the related areas of consciousness studies and theories of synchronicity/coincidence. David also shares his reflections/takeaways regarding the course and the participants, the gradual shift in attitudes surrounding this type of phenomena, and what he thinks is ‘the bigger picture’ regarding anomalous experiences. We also go on a few related tangents regarding memory, false memory syndrome, owls, and how popular culture absorbs and transmits ideas about high strangeness. Everything is connected. PROGRAM NOTESDavid Metcalfe:https://davidmetcalfe.wordpress.com/ https://uga.academia.edu/DavidMetcalfe/Papers https://www.academia.edu/92502645/Knowing_Others_The_New_UFO_Esotericism_of_D_W_Pasulkas_American_Cosmic_ Dr. Diana Pasulka:https://dwpasulka.com/ https://www.academia.edu/89404115/Introduction_Believing_in_Bits_Digital_Media_and_the_Supernatural_ “Beyond the Stars” Course Information:https://dwpasulka.com/courses/ Other References:https://www.societyforuapstudies.org/ https://www.dukeupress.edu/in-and-out-of-this-world https://impossiblearchives.rice.edu/ https://impossiblearchives.rice.edu/ufo-and-impossible (It seems the registration is closed for this conference as the attendee limit has been reached.)https://thesolfoundation.org/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzlWCeD3J0zVb4KSeaeDNdw Theme Music and Editing: Daniel P. SheaEnd Production: Stephanie Shea
  • RR Patreon Tier 3 Free Content Dr. Dean Radin: Science, Magick & the SIGIL Experiment
    Dean Radin is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Associated Distinguished Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and cofounder and chairman of the biotech company, Cognigenics. He earned an MS (electrical engineering) and a PhD (psychology) from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and in 2022 was awarded an Honorary DSc (doctor of science) from the Swami Vivekananda University in Bangalore, India.Before joining the IONS research staff in 2001, Radin worked at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International. He has given over 750 talks and interviews worldwide, and he is author or coauthor of some 7 patents, 300 scientific and popular articles, four dozen book chapters, and nine books, four of which have been translated into 15 foreign languages: The Conscious Universe (1997), Entangled Minds (2006), Supernormal (2013), and Real Magic (2018).  In this interview, Dean opens the conversation by talking about why the scientific community is slow to emerge with theoretical explanations as to why anomalous phenomena occur, even with the empirical evidence. He then explains how the three main classes of magickal practice (Divination, Enchantment, and Theurgy) coincide with the three main of psychic phenomena that have been studied over the years by scientists (Clairvoyance, Psychokinesis, and Survival after death). First explaining the three most notable types of tests that have been developed over the years (tossed dice, random number generator outputs, and photon interference), Dean then explains in more detail the last test and the mystery of the ‘wave-particle duality’ that ‘violates the commonsense doctrine of realism, which assumes that the physical world is completely independent of observation.’ We then move on to the SIGIL (scientific investigation of gazing with intention/intuition at light) experiment that Dean performed with the funding of the Bial Foundation and RENSEP, involving practicing magicians and mediators, and the results of this experiment. Dean talks a bit about further experiments that could be created on the foundation of the SIGIL experiment, and also how all of this ties into the larger discussions about the nature of consciousness and interconnectedness.  https://www.deanradin.com/https://www.cognigenics.io/https://noetic.org/https://www.youtube.com/@InstituteofNoeticScienceshttps://www.rensep.org/https://www.youtube.com/@rensephttps://www.instagram.com/ionsonline/ https://www.instagram.com/rensep_official/Photo Credit: Jordan Engle @ Lens & SoulTheme Music & Editing: Daniel P. SheaEnd Production: Stephanie SheaThe full episode can be found at my Patreon page; it can also be purchased for a one-time fee: www.patreon.com/RejectedReligion 
  • RR Patreon Tier 2 Free Content- Dr. Tara Smith: Ecology, Zen Buddhism & The Anthropocene in Frank Herbert's _Dune Trilogy_
    Dr. Tara B. M. Smith is an early career interdisciplinary academic that works in the fields of science fiction, literature, religion and popular culture. Tara is currently a research affiliate at the University of Sydney. In 2024 Tara was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for the Study of World Religions at the Harvard Divinity School, Boston, writing on religious ideas and experiences of people that paint and play within the science fiction “grimdark” universe of Warhammer 40,000. Tara is a passionate educator who holds a Graduate Certificate of Higher Education and has taught in academic settings for over 5 years across a variety of units including media studies, religious studies, writing skills and composition. When Tara is not studying, she spends time with her two cats Thomas and Momo and her fiancé Luke in Sydney, Australia.While most people who talk and think about the story of Dune focus on the political and religious aspects of the series [for example, the Bene Geserit with their genetic breeding program and the Kwisatz Haderach, or the Butlerian Jihad -the war against thinking machines = technology and AI], Tara's article, “The Anthropocene in Frank Herbert’s Dune Series” from 2021 takes a different approach and explores the ecological/philosophical aspects of the story. As she notes, Frank Herbert was warning his readers about their anthropocentric tendencies and urging people instead to think about ecological conservation, or at least he appears to be planting a seed in the minds of the readers to be more aware of their place or role on the Earth.Poem mentioned in this interview:“I drove my feet through a desertWhose mirage fluttered like a host.Voracious for glory, greedy for danger,I roamed the horizons of al-Kulab,Watching time level mountainsIn its search and its hunger for me.And I saw the sparrows swiftly approach,Bolder than the onrushing wolf.They spread in the tree of my youth.I heard the flock in my branchesAnd was caught on their beaks and claws!”– from Arrakis Awakening by the Princess Irulan (Herbert 1978, 228)Dr. Tara Smith:https://www.linkedin.com/in/tara-b-m-smith-phd-fhea-306418192/“The Anthropocene in Frank Herbert’s Dune Series”, Foundation 140, 50.3 (2021): 62-74. The_Anthropocene_in_Frank_Herberts_Dune.docTheme Music and Editing: Daniel P. SheaEnd Production: Stephanie SheaThe full episode can be heard at my Patreon page: www.patreon.com/RejectedReligion, or can be purchased for a one-time fee. 
  • Rejected Religion Special Announcements 2025
    Happy New Year to you all! For those who may not be following me on Patreon or social media, I have some important announcements for 2025.   The first being that I’m offering a special 75% discount on the first month’s membership for all Patreon tiers! This offer lasts until the end of February. Use the code RRDINER75 for the discount. And on the topic of the RR Diner, there’s also news about a change to my Patreon Tiers 3 and 4:  The content of Tiers 3 and 4 has merged, and Tier 4 is now the RR Diner Book Club! The Club will meet 4 times per year (February, May, August & November) and the price for Tier 4 has been lowered to $17.50 as of January 1st. This price includes all the content from Tiers 1-3 plus the Live Zoom meetings for the Book Club. I’ve already announced the first book over at my Patreon, which is The Super Natural:  A New Vision of the Unexplained by Whitley Strieber and Dr. Jeff Kripal!!Plus, I'm overjoyed to announce that both authors have agreed to join me for the Live Zoom Meet in February!! We are in the process of finding three potential dates that will be listed via a poll on the Patreon page for Tier 4 members to vote on. That information will be following soon. For now, you can start reading! Additionally, you can view two free content videos – one about Sidereal Astrology & How to Understand Natal Charts, the other about a new book called _Void Machines_ by Dr. Christian Greer and Dr. Michelle Oing. This art collage book is about 'Talismanic Frequencies of Peak Experiences.' Those videos are free to watch at my Patreon page, my website or my Vimeo channel.   I’m also excited to announce that I will be collaborating with the Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices, otherwise known RENSEP. I will be hosting and moderating some very special conversations between scholars and practitioners throughout the year, called “Spotlight with RENSEP -- Esoteric Crossroads: Scholars Meet Practitioners.”  This content will be available for everyone, and we hope this will promote engagement between the two platforms, as well as offering new topics and opportunities for learning and discussion.Stay tuned for the announcement of the first Scholar-Practitioner Conversation in early 2025! Lastly, the new content for January has been delayed due to unexpected internet stability issues that are preventing me from recording interviews. However, I’m hoping to have things fixed well enough so I can get back to work at the end of this week, and start posting again soon.  Thanks for your patience!I’m looking forward to an excellent new year!  www.rejectedreligion.com www.patreon.com/RejectedReligionDiscount code:  RRDINER75https://vimeo.com/user220298192Music: Daniel P. Shea 
  • RR Pod E33 [Free Content] Brennan Kettelle- P2 Monster Theory: Psychoanalysis, Foucault, 'Stigmatized Alignment,' & Hauntology
    This month’s guest on the Rejected Religion Podcast is Brennan Kettelle. Brennan returns for Part 2 of our discussion on Monster Theory, this time looking at the applications of Monster Theory, as well as a more in-depth look at how Brennan is using this theory, along with other related concepts and theories. Brennan is a PhD researcher at the Centre for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (HHP), University of Amsterdam. Brennan holds an MA in Gender and Cultural studies (2016) and a research MA in Religious Studies, specializing in Western esotericism (2021). She is currenting writing her doctoral dissertation, investigating historical associations between the religiomythic demoness Lilith and queerness within artistic, literary, and occult discourses. Brennan also teaches an 8-week online course on Lilith - focusing on Lilith’s origins and cultural receptions within Western esotericism - for the Brooklyn-based organization Morbid Anatomy. Utilizing monster theory and queer theory in her research, Brennan is more broadly interested in investigating themes of the ‘monstrous-queer’ within esoteric literature, orders, and figures, as well as esoteric themes within queer subcultures, politics, and histories.Some highlights:Brennan’s areas of exploration are primarily located in Gender Studies, Queer Theory, Religious Studies, Horror Theory, and Esotericism. In addition, as Monster Theory has a foundation in psychoanalysis and postmodern theories, Brennan expands on this in greater detail. This leads us into a conversation about the recent film, The Substance, as well as theories found in Foucault’s works. Shifting the focus to Religious Studies, Brennan notes how monsters are most often aligned with evil; however, there are exceptions to this when it comes to werewolves in the Bible, for example. [Note: the text that I am reading from regarding werewolves in the Bible as well as the Werewolf Renaissance is taken from my own Research Master thesis.] Religion and Horror Studies intersect in films such as Longlegs, where we can see themes such as “monstrous infection” or a returning sickness.As Brennan states, “the monster is the illumination of everything a society oppresses or represses.”Speaking on the working term of ‘stigmatized alignment,’  Brennan uses the examples of poet Renee Vivien, and “The Witch of Kings Cross” Rosaleen Norton to explain this concept in more detail. In closing, Brennan touches upon the adjacent theory of Hauntology, where past ‘monsters’ linger in the present and haunt us. Time, in this instance, could be seen as a monster as well. This is the Free Content version of Episode 33; you can find the full episode at my Patreon page: https://patreon.com/RejectedReligion?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLinkThis episode is also available for a one-time purchase.PROGRAM NOTESFind Brennan:https://uva.academia.edu/SBrennanKettellehttps://www.instagram.com/_restingwitchface/ Monster Theory Resources:https://ieas-szeged.hu/downtherabbithole/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Barbara-Creed-The-Monstrous-Feminine-2007.pdfhttps://archive.org/details/monstersincloset0000benshttps://www.amazon.com/Celluloid-Closet-Arthur-Laurents/dp/B001NI5C6Uhttps://archive.org/details/religionitsmonst0000bealhttps://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780203361894/philosophy-horror-noel-carrollhttps://revisesociology.com/2016/09/21/foucault-surveillance-crime-control/https://medium.com/deterritorialization/jacques-derridas-specter-s-of-marx-and-the-concept-of-hauntology-reflections-on-deconstruction-2eb687322a69https://academic.oup.com/fs/article/59/3/373/638853 Films and Shows Mentioned (Selection):https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17526714/ The Substancehttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt23468450/?ref_=ttfc_fc_tt  Longlegshttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt14966898/ Late Night with the Devilhttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt4574334/  Stranger Things https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5040012/ Nosferatu 2024Renee Vivien:https://allpoetry.com/Renee-Vivien https://youtu.be/3dUc17ut3as?si=KJ9ZDCBFct00eQuj Spotlight with Brennan Kettelle 2021Rosaleen Norton:https://www.witchofkingscross.com/about-new/ Theme Music and Editing: Daniel P. SheaEnd Production: Stephanie Shea

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