This Podcast is dedicated to sharing, learning, and discovering the fundamentals of Nonviolent Communication based on what I have learned from Marshall Rosenber...
In this Podcast I talk with two NVC Entrepreneurs about some of the exciting concepts they are working with in relation to Nonviolent Communication, including Machine Learning and A.I.
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Interview With An ART of NVC Platinum Level Graduate
I Interview Brent Cunning about his NVC experience. He is a graduate of the Platinum Level Program from A month long NVC training involving 3 1hr coaching sessions a week.
Using NVC With Polarizing Topics
This episode goes over some pointers for dealing with polarizing topics, especially with someone who has the opposite views as you.
Switching Between Emergency Empathy and NVC
This episode goes over instances where it is helpful to switch back and forth between NVC and Emergency Empathy.
The EGO and NVC
This episode goes over the relationship between our Ego and NVC and why sometimes it can be so challenging to actually use NVC when we feel triggered.
This Podcast is dedicated to sharing, learning, and discovering the fundamentals of Nonviolent Communication based on what I have learned from Marshall Rosenberg's classic book "Nonviolent Communication" and many of his videos. It is my intention to share what I have learned and to help those who truly want to become better communicators to avoid some of the common mistakes I see over and over when people attempt to practice NVC. It is truly an amazingly powerful way of speaking and being and I am excited to go on this journey with you.