Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast
Dr. Eric Berg
Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermitte...
What causes hypertension? One of the most common causes of high blood pressure is a deficiency in this key nutrient. In this podcast, I’ll explain the connection between vitamin D deficiency and high blood pressure. Your doctors will not tell you this!If you have high blood pressure, your doctor should always check your vitamin D levels.Vitamin D is the most important vitamin for the inside of the arteries, yet it’s often ignored in cases of hypertension.Ninety percent of hypertension is considered essential, which means the cause is unknown. However, I believe it's likely linked to vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is vital in supporting and protecting the endothelial layer of your arteries.The benefits of vitamin D for your arteries include:1. Potent anti-inflammatory effects2. Potent antioxidant effects3. Increased nitric oxideNitric oxide keeps the arteries in a state of vasodilation and relaxation. Without enough nitric oxide, the arteries become tight, and blood pressure rises. When the endothelial layer of the artery becomes dysfunctional, you no longer produce nitric oxide.You won't absorb much calcium if you don't have enough vitamin D. This can cause your parathyroid hormone to increase to remove calcium from the bone and put it into the blood. If you are chronically low in vitamin D, the parathyroid hormone will continue to rob calcium from the bone, creating osteoporosis.Many doctors do not recommend large doses of vitamin D in fear of vitamin D toxicity. Clinical data does not support vitamin D toxicity! Dr. Bruce Hollis, a pioneer in vitamin D research, has personally never seen a case.Vitamin K2 can help remove calcium from the arteries and put it into the teeth and bones. Magnesium regulates excess calcium and helps to prevent cardiovascular problems.Vitamin D protects your arteries by decreasing inflammation and supporting the vascular cells. Vitamin D, magnesium, and K2 can help prevent calcium from developing in the wrong places, helping to prevent high blood pressure. Aim for 30,000 IU of vitamin D daily if you have high blood pressure.Dr. Bruce Hollis Interview:Your Body Is BEGGING For Vitamin D!!
The Microbe That Changes EVERYTHING
The most important microbe can amplify the immune system, increase your muscle mass, and even help you live longer, but most people are missing it! Listen to this fascinating interview with Dr. William Davis as we discuss this missing microbe.Please join me in welcoming Dr. William Davis, author of “Super Gut” and pioneer in research about the most important microbe called L. reuteri.Rats given L. reuteri stayed young, active, and slender, and their fur remained thick and healthy as they aged. Their immune systems were amplified, and wound healing time was cut in half. Increased testosterone and growth hormone were observed in elderly mice, and the thymus was restored to its original size. Dr. Davis has seen all of these amazing benefits in humans!Many people are missing this microbe! L. reuteri, like other Lactobacillus species, are very susceptible to antibiotics. Dr. Davis estimates that 96% of the population is missing L. reuteri, a major factor in the SIBO epidemic.L. reuteri is a keystone microbe, which is important for the entire body’s ecosystem. It’s been found to increase the hormone oxytocin, traditionally regarded as the hormone of love and empathy. Oxytocin also influences body composition.Many people experience increased muscle mass after consuming L. reuteri, which can be very beneficial in combating age-related muscle loss and many other side effects of aging.You can make your own L. reuteri “yogurt” for its amazing benefits!Yogurt Maker -https://lvnta.com/lv_lrJY1A8ZLtxmwUpYdXYogurt Jars -https://lvnta.com/lv_qB2B90JNh0hQjaMoXkYogurt Containers -https://lvnta.com/lv_SFt3wnanoNkBHrf0RsL. Reuteri strain🛒https://bit.ly/4aQVjS4Super Gut Book Link:https://a.co/d/1xLN5U4How to Make It:https://drdavisinfinitehealth.com/201...Recipes for L. reuteri Yogurt:https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/reci...https://drdavisinfinitehealth.com/201...https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/l-re...Microbiome Master Class Link:https://innercircle.drdavisinfinitehe...Dr. William Davis YouTube Channel: / @williamdavismd
Best Remedy for Hyperpigmentation
If you’re dealing with age spots or hyperpigmentation, this is for you. In this podcast, I’ll show you how to get rid of dark spots naturally for a healthy, glowing, even complexion. This remedy also works for hyperpigmentation prevention!
Today, I’m going to show you how to get rid of hyperpigmentation. Bleaching agents can eliminate dark spots, but they destroy the cells that make melanin.
Dark spots are often blamed on the sun, and they can become more problematic as we age. Melanocytes are cells that make the pigment melanin in your skin. These cells are affected by oxidation. To fix hyperpigmentation, focus on antioxidation from antioxidants.
Adequate vitamin D will protect you against the overproduction of melanin, preventing dark spots from forming. If you’re avoiding the sun and using sunscreen, you will be low in vitamin D!
Work on increasing vitamin D levels by consuming 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily. Build antioxidant networks in the body by consuming high-quality protein such as fish, meat, and eggs. Trace minerals, including zinc, copper, and iodine, are vital. B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E are also essential.
If you want a quick fix to remove uneven skin tone, use grass-fed organic plain unsweetened yogurt. Rub it into the skin and leave it on for 5 minutes before rinsing off. Add this step to your skincare routine once per week to help get rid of dark spots.
Yogurt contains lactic acid at a gentle concentration that dissolves the bonds between dead skin cells that have darkened in pigment. It also provides probiotics to support the skin’s microbiome. If hyperpigmentation is severe, add a pinch of turmeric to the yogurt before applying it to your skin.
Dr. Berg Interview: American Thought Leaders
Check out my interview with American Thought Leaders! I discuss my approach to health and a wide range of topics, from RFK Jr. to keto and intermittent fasting. You won’t want to miss this!
In this podcast, I’m interviewed by The Epoch Times, and I discuss many of the health concerns Americans face today. America spends an incredible amount per capita on healthcare, but the outcomes are not adding up!
Big Pharma and Big Food both contribute to this health crisis. Chronic disease primarily comes from a diet composed of ultra-processed foods. Doctors prescribe medications to treat symptoms that come from the junk food diet, rather than addressing the diet.
Junk food is not food! It’s composed of refined sugars, seed oils, and starches along with colorings, flavorings, and preservatives. Junk food does not sustain life and it’s at the root of chronic disease.
Some people claim that the ketogenic diet is dangerous, but this is untrue. The keto diet involves the breakdown of fat into ketones as an alternative fuel. When you reduce your carb intake, it forces your body to use your fat reserve for fuel. Keto is great for weight loss and can help combat insulin resistance.
When cigarettes lost popularity due to health concerns, tobacco companies bought up the junk food industry. These companies produced profitable food junk food made from dent corn and other cheap materials. A high-carb diet has become normalized for major profits.
RFK Jr. is a non-politician who may be able to sever the relationships between the food industry and the government. Food guidelines are of the utmost importance because the consequences trickle down to the schools, hospitals, assisted living homes, and other places that feed the most vulnerable.
More doctors are beginning to consider food and the whole body when managing disease, moving away from the symptom management model.
It's important not to overlook the function and importance of vitamin D, turmeric, magnesium, and grass-fed red meat. Focusing on disease prevention by building health rather than treating disease is most effective. Eating real food is the most important thing you can do for your health.
STOP Doing THIS for Low Back Pain
When Brendan Backstrom was faced with low back pain at an early age, he refused to accept that chronic pain would plague his daily life. In this interview, find out about Brendan’s program that has worked for so many people to effectively strengthen their lower back and eliminate lower back pain.
The typical prognosis for low back pain is that you can’t ever completely resolve it. If you have low back pain from injury, you just have to learn to cope with it and accept it.
After injuring his lower back at 21, Brendan did not want to accept that lower back pain was something he’d just have to deal with. The culture surrounding the lower back says that it needs to be protected, not built or rebuilt. Brendan quickly learned that no technique or lifestyle is safe enough to protect the lower back from injury or re-injury.
The standard approach is that the core protects the lower back. Conservative treatment for a spinal injury focuses on everything in the core except for the lower back. With this approach, many people become more sensitive, vulnerable, and disempowered after a lower back injury.
Brendan developed a program to help people slowly and safely develop a strong back. He stresses the importance of rebuilding slowly and viewing recovery as a dial rather than a light switch.
Brendan teaches people to get reacquainted with their lower back. “You can build your own back brace,” Brendan says. Brendan’s technique not only strengthens the muscles of the lower back but also increases circulation to the spine, stretches the fascia, and decreases friction around the nerves.
Brendan explains that sciatica can be tricky to resolve but not impossible. He focuses on slowly strengthening muscles along the sciatic nerve. One of the best features of Brendan’s program is that he attempts to avoid pain.
Three years ago, Brendan experienced chronic SI joint pain in his lower back that affected his everyday life. His problem became so severe that it affected his whole body. Brendan continues to do traditional lifts such as squats but never neglects the lower back.
Brendan’s program isn’t something you’ll complete quickly. His plan takes around 1 to 2 years and can help you remodel the deepest part of your body to overcome lower back pain. His program operates on a “pay what you can” model to make it affordable for everyone.
Over Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast
Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on amazon.com, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and have generated over 1 billion views.
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